A Sending Church

A Sending Church


The Church has a calling to fulfil. It is not just to represent Jesus on earth but to take his message of good news to the peoples of the earth.

Sometimes in my opinion we get too focused on what happens in our churches whereas God is equally concerned with what is happening outside our churches.

I am not saying that we should not be concerned about our church services, and worship, for they are vitally important. However, these services should be building us up for our ministry of witness outside of the church to the people we meet in our daily lives.

God bless us in our witness.




Church is more than a building

Church is more than a building


I often wonder why the Church is likened to a body by St Paul? Apart from the obvious connection of being the body of Christ on earth I do think there is more understanding to be gained in that image. St Paul highlights the individual parts making up the whole and that is certainly a beautiful image and gets his point across very succinctly.


However, it struck me today that the image also converts the idea of both movement and freedom. The church is a movement of people going in a certain direction. It is not fixed like a building in one place. The church has the freedom to explore; to have no constraints but to express itself in ways that glorifies God. 


I do appreciate that we have some very beautiful church buildings that seek to reflect the glory of God. I understand that it is inspiring to meet together in beautifully decorated buildings. However, I encourage us all to see that nothing reveals the reality of God better than a follower of Christ. Blessings to you all.

The task before us

The task before us

The Bible states nothing about Church being a building. It is understood to be a body of people called out for a specific purpose. The church of the Bible is not the building in which people meet, it is the people who do the meeting.

We are the ‘body of Christ’ on earth. We are a people called to be his people and take his message of good news to the world.

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